Trezor @Wallet* - The official wallet - Webflow

Trezor Wallet boasts an array of ...Trezor % Wallet - The #1 Secure Hardware Wallet - webflow Connect your hardware wallet with Trezor Wallet. Send & receive coins, track your portfolio, trade assets or pay …Trezor Wallet is a hardware cryptocurrency wallet designed for secure storage of digital assets like Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Trezor hardware wallets are protected against unauthorized access by a user-defined PIN up to 50 digits long. For the ultimate in access security, add a passphrase to your Trezor. A passphrase is a user-generated set of letters, words, phrases, and spaces required for each physical access to your Trezor hardware wallet. Trezor Wallet Model One, a mainstay in the crypto hardware wallet industry for over a decade, offers a sleek OLED screen and user-friendly button interface for a straightforward crypto experience. Meanwhile, Trezor Safe 3 prioritizes security with its Secure Element chip and offers easy usability with a color touchscreen and two-button input.